Top 10 Best Web Series of 2023 with Amazing iMDB Ratings

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From the emotional connection with Sandeep Bhaiya to the unsettling mystery of ASUR, which Top 10 Best web series of 2023 have captured the hearts of the audience? Brace yourself for their surprising IMDb ratings.

No.10: Trial by Fire

“Uphaar Chronicles” recounts the tragic events at Delhi’s Uphaar Cinema, following Neelam and Shekhar’s determined fight against the system after losing their children. Rajshri Deshpande and Abhay Deol deliver standout performances, though the series offers limited surprises. However, its captivating cinematography and dark theme ensure a compelling journey that keeps you hooked until the end.

No.09: Kaala Paani

In my opinion, “Number 9” stands as the most underrated series of the year. Overlooked due to a lack of hype, I regret not watching it sooner. Now, consider this my plea for forgiveness as I repent. Amidst the anticipation of a grand festival on Andaman Island, a deadly disease loom.

The series eerily mirrors the emotions of the Covid pandemic and has garnered an 8.1 rating from 6,000 IMDb reviewers. A Mystery Thriller on Netflix, it unfolds over 8 episodes, skilfully building the fear of the disease on the island.

While reminiscent of the pandemic, the series falters in the romance department. Despite this minor flaw, it’s a 100% must-watch, offering a gripping mystery that will keep you hooked.

No.08: The Railway Man

Netflix unveils another mental rollercoaster with its series, scoring an average of 8.6 from 7,000 IMDb reviews. Drawing inspiration from the Bhopal Gas tragedy, the four-episode series stars K.K Menon in a god-level performance.

“I can’t lose focus,” echoes through the chaos as the gas leak unfolds. Despite moments feeling a bit overwhelming, the series meticulously captures the smallest details, making everything feel painfully real. The dark and bold portrayal of events, including body dissections and postmortems, adds a gritty authenticity to the narrative. By the end, you witness an inspiring and heroic story rising from the chaos.

No.07: Sixer

At number 7, oh God! This is the ultimate cricket web series in the universe. If you’ve ever played in your local cricket tournament, this is a must-watch. For cricket enthusiasts, it’s like watching your own life story unfold. “How many times have I told you, don’t say please? It’s a sign of weakness.”

Another hidden gem from TVF this year, it has earned an impressive average rating of 8 on IMDb from 13,000 users. The best part? You can catch this series for free on TVF’s Facebook channel.

No.06: Guns and Gulaabs

The opium, initially used for medicinal purposes, now finds itself transitioning from the illegal to the legal market. This transformation involves laying down dead bodies, reminiscent of the intense atmosphere in Gangs of Wasseypur. Garnering an average rating of 7.7 from 14,000 viewers on IMDb, this Raj and DK special is available on Netflix.

With its unique blend of comedy interspersed within serious and brutal action, this web series has masterfully crafted a foundation of crime and romance right from the start. The series builds up well, maintaining a gripping narrative, but unfortunately, the energy dwindles towards the end. Delving into more detail would be a spoiler.

For those who enjoyed Gangs of Wasseypur, consider this web series a worthy counterpart.

No.05: Taaza Khabar

This is the Indian equivalent of Slumdog Millionaire in a web series, infused with a fantasy twist on crime and stellar performances. With an impressive average rating of 8.1 from 47,000 viewers on IMDb, “Where are we going?” “Beyond our limits!”

Catch it on Disney+ Hotstar, where the actors, especially Bhuvan Bam, shine. As a YouTube sensation, Bam adds a touch of pride to the series. Though some scenes may feel a bit forced and illogical, the intrigue builds when Vasya gains the ability to know breaking news before it happens. Despite its flaws, it’s an interesting series, perfect for binge-watching.

No.04: Asur 2

In 2020, amidst the challenges of COVID, India witnessed the masterpiece web series, ASUR. Now, three years later, comes its much-anticipated Season 2. The action that unfolded in Season 1 finds its reaction in Season 2, with the villain, Shubh, entering beast mode. This time, his deadly intentions play out on a global stage.

Available on Jio Cinema, the series excels in blending today’s technology with historical mythological storytelling. The intricacies of planning and plotting, as well as the suspense around how they will catch the antagonist, keep the audience thoroughly engaged. However, there are moments where the narrative takes a supernatural turn, bordering on the illogical.

No.03: Sandeep Bhaiya

In the TVF’s UPSC universe, a character has earned a dedicated web series, and on IMDb, a staggering 72,000 people have given it an impressive average rating of 9.2.

Available on the TVF YouTube channel with 5 episodes, this series provides a stark portrayal of the reality faced by UPSC aspirants. It reflects on the challenges and heartbreak of persistent failures despite immense effort. Can a financially struggling girl who delivers tiffin’s triumph in clearing the UPSC?

No.02: Aspirant-2

Continuing Sandeep Bhaiya’s narrative, the series at number 2 has set a benchmark, evoking even more profound emotions from the audience. While it’s easy to distinguish right from wrong, determining the greater right between two rights is a complex challenge.

Available on Amazon Prime, TVF has a hidden secret to resonate with the heart of the middle-class family through their content. The only hiccup is that the twist at the end of Season 2 feels a tad forced. However, the series remains content-rich with no shortage, not even by 1%.

No.01: Farzi

The number 1 series, oh God! Just like every year, Raj and D.K. have once again triumphed, surprising us with fresh, unique, and original content. This time, our protagonist won’t earn money – he’ll create it.

If you’ve watched the Hollywood movie “Catch Me If You Can,” several moments in the series might make you think Sunny is about to be caught. With top-notch performances and an engaging story, 40,000 people have rated it an impressive average of 8.4 on IMDb.

At number 1, this series is available on Amazon Prime, featuring 8 episodes. If you believe there’s another web series worth mentioning, please share it in the comments.


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